Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Must Love Dogs......

We have 2 dogs, brody who is a Rat terrier and Tink who is a teacup poodle. Brody is black and white and thinks he is friends with everyone and everything. It was Friday night and I had just let the dogs out for the last time for the night. As soon as I sat down, Chris yells, "I smell skunk!" For those who do not know, there is a little black and white friend of Brody's that comes to our backyard every now and then. Brody has "played" with this "friend" several times and still hasn't learned. We ran to the door hoping to catch Brody in time before he had yet another smelly encounter," i think it will be 7" but sadly we were too late... Brody came running to the door and was foaming at the mouth, I think the stunk got him right in the face, poor dog. We ran Brody to the bath tub and mixed our speacial shampoo. Our house smelled like skunk so on saturday I opened all the windows and doors, put baking soda on the carpet and covered everything in sight with fabreaze. I am not sure what is going on but our house still has a skunk like smell and our poor dog knows he stinks but he doesn't know what to do.... so if anyone knows a way to get the skunk smell out of a house I am all ears!