Sunday, June 23, 2013

2 month difference

I can't believe I'm posting these because I feel like they are horrible but I want to remember. My face in the last one is so swollen! I can't believe I thought I was big in April, I had no idea what was coming!



I don't even remember what happened in May. Chris' sister Melissa got married, we were both in the line. It was a very pretty ceremony and we are so happy for her.
the first weekend in June we had my family baby shower. We decided that her name would be Berkley Grace Horne. My sister and I had talked about this name well before we even knew she was a girl and I just couldn't get over it. Luckily Chris liked it too! For my shower we were very spoiled with lots of cute clothes and great company. I'm so happy so many people were able to come! My cousin makes the wood block letters and I asked her to make them for me. I pretty much started crying when I seen the final product!  They match her nursery perfect and I just love the way they look. Speaking of crying the pregnancy fairy came again in May and brought a much need pedicure for me on mothers day. Then for the shower my talented sisters A.K.A. "the pregnancy fairy" printed up all the cute little sayings we had received and displayed them with all the gifts.
The last one, I couldn't even get through reading it, I'm such a baby, but the thoughts and gifts meant so much to me. For the last pregnancy fairy gift, we were given a scrapbook, to document Berkley's first few years. Again que tears here! `
"Today as you celebrate the date is growing near, only 1 month remains until your baby girl is here! This month the fairy brings a gift for her AND you, take a look and you will see exactly what to do. Write down all your memories and all that you will see, List all the talents, her strengths and her beauty. There will be some times of laughter and even a few tears, this book will keep the memories of her for years and years. And when the timings right, you will want to know for sure, Wrap this book up so pretty and pass it on to her"


How did this happen! I am 35 weeks and only have 35 days to go! It seems like I was stuck in the 20's for so long and now all the sudden she is almost here!

How far along? 35 weeks

Baby's size?  The size of a coconut! 17-18inchs and weighing 4-5 lbs!

Total weight gain: really don’t wanna talk about it

Maternity clothes? Yes and they are getting old! I wear the same thing, over and over and over!

Sleep: sleep is still good, wake up a couple times but can usually fall right back asleep

Best moment(s) this past week:  we had my family baby shower, Officially decided on her name, and had a fun date night. Went to dinner and a movieJ

Miss Anything? Energy! I’m so tired and lazy!

Movement:  she is a mover!  I love it!  Starting to get crowded I’m sure, I feel her more on my side and in my ribs.

Anything making you queasy or sick:  nothing really, raw hamburger definitely has a bad smell!

Cravings:  still loving the sweets!

Labor Signs: Nope!

Gender: GIRL

Symptoms: Just tired.

Belly Button in or out? flat

Wedding rings on or off? on
Happy or Moody most of the time:  happy mostly but definitely have mood swings!

Looking forward to: buying cute clothes for me!


Monday, June 10, 2013

30 Weeks

How far along? 31 weeks

Baby's size?  Baby B is the size of a Cucumber, 15-16 inches and weighing 2.5-3.8 lbs

Total weight gain: I don't really wanna talk about it

Maternity clothes? yes, although I can stretch some regular shirts on

Sleep: sleep is good, get up once or twice

Best moment(s) this past week:  we went to our first baby class, wasn't really the best moment but something we did together.

Miss Anything?  its starting to warm up and I'm missing shorts and tank tops.

Movement:  YES! she is quite the mover!  I love it!

Anything making you queasy or sick:  still love food and everything sweet!

Cravings:  candy! ice cream! anything sweet!

Labor Signs: Nope!

Gender: Girl

Symptoms: my feet are starting to swell, my ankles are pretty hard to see

Belly Button in or out? way flat!  its going to pop!

Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time:  Happy most of the time but a few tears have been shed for sure!

Looking forward to: Baby showers, summer, memorial weekend, finishing the nursery.


April recap

I don't know how the time is moving so fast but if it could just slow down a little bit I could possibly keep this blog updated!  In April we focused a lot on getting the nursery ready. We also got another visit from the pregnancy fairy and Chris celebrated his 26 birthday. Man he is young! As the months go by I am feeling bigger and bigger and older and older! She isn't even here yet and I feel like I have aged a ton! My glucose levels came back elevated so I had to go back to the dr. and take a 3 hour fasting test, which was not fun! My mom came with me and sat all 4 hrs with me which was a huge help. The drink is probably the worst thing I have ever had to guzzle!  and when I say guzzle, they literally make you drink it within 5 minutes!  it's horrible! The test did come back normal so I don't have gestational diabetes which is a huge blessing!  I like food and sugar way too much to have to deal with that!
I painted a shelf for the nursery that I vision her name sitting on, once we get that picked out:)

the pregnancy fairy brought something just for Dad this month, it's probably hard to read, but basically Daddy hopes she is a Broncos fan.
we got the crib put together and most of the nursery set up. My sisters and mom are going to come up and help with the final touches. it is going to be so cute once everything is done! I can't wait!