Monday, November 29, 2010


Since the thankful month is almost over I wanted to post what I am thankful for.

Family: they are ALWAYS there for you and they love you no matter what.

Friends: Thanks to all my friends that let me vent, listen to me complain, make me laugh, look on the bright side and make the days at work so much shorter. Thanks for letting me tell you everything that happens in my life good and bad!

Husband: He is there is take care of me, listen to my frustrations, cuddle with me, have lazy days, take me on vacations, save me from driving on snowy days and just be there for me to lean on. He makes me happier than I ever thought possible.

4-wheel drive: living in Utah I am so happy that we have a 4wheel drive truck, the past couple of weeks have made me realize how lucky we are to have a truck.

Heat: heat in the cars and house

House: so thankful we have a house it may not be the newest or biggest but it is ours and I am so thankful for it

Dogs: what would my life be like with out my 2 kids... they entertain us, make us laugh, make us mad, and are always happy to see us.

Jobs:I am so thankful that both Chris and I have great jobs! I just got a new job within my company and can't wait to take on more work and more money! I am thankful to have a job that is so flexible that on snowy mornings I have the option to ride with my hubby in the 4wheel drive and come to work an hour later than normal.

I am sure there are more things that I am thankful for but those are on my mind right now.

Friday, November 19, 2010

2 Months! !

2 more months and I will be here! ! !

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Fun Times!

Over the last couple weeks we have had alot of fun. I went shopping with my mom and sisters and found some killer deals on all kinds of clothes! We went to a Jazz game and had some pretty amazing seats "thanks Eric", we went to a halloween party and had such a blast! The cold weather is here offically and I HATE it! I am looking forward to Thanksgiving and Christmas and then off to Mexico to warm weather! I seriously don't think I have ever been so excited to take a break from everything and hang out with my cousin and our husbands! I am really excited to go with another couple because we have done the me and Chris thing 2 times now and it will be fun to have other people to hang out with...

me and my sister's hanging out and being dorks at my parents house! So much fun!

Pictures from the Halloween party:

Jazz Game:

the Jazz are doing really good so far this season! sometimes it gets frustrating but then they pull together and are able to beat some of the best teams in the leage or so some people say, like last night we were able to beat the "over -rated" Miami Heat! It was such a fun game and I am so happy we won! !

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

I love this!

it's kind of hard to read but makes so much sense!

"Everybody wants happiness
nobody wants pain,
but you can't have a rainbow
without a little rain"