Thursday, November 24, 2011


I’m sitting here alone on thanksgiving night… my last post said how interesting this day would be and I’m happy to report everything is well. Thanksgiving was my year this year, a.k.a. the year we spend with my family. Well because of schedules and everything my family decided it would be best to plan our family thanksgiving dinner on the Saturday after thanksgiving. Well, because my husband is not a planner and every time I mention something further than 2 days away, he disregards, I never mentioned to him that thanksgiving this year would be celebrated with my family on Saturday. So one night about a week ago he plans a golf weekend…yes the weekend of my family’s thanksgiving dinner. There were SEVERAL talks about what is right and what would make everyone happy, what is the best thing to do. I messed up because I didn’t tell Husband the plans. He messed up because he made plans before checking to see if anything else was already planned. We went back and forth about what should be done, and when it came down to it, we made each other happy. I am happier to spend the weekend at my mom’s without worrying about how to keep him entertained… he is happier golfing… so I’m sure we made some people mad but we did what was best for us. I HATE fighting with Husband, I HATE trying to make him do things he doesn’t want to do, I HATE trying to please everyone, when really in the end… does it matter that much? There will be other holidays, there will be other years, and there will be other things that are more important.
I’m watching “P.S. I Love you” tonight and I must say, the first 20 minutes of this show makes me laugh! I can relate to this so much! Husband and I FIGHT and sometimes over the stupidest things… but after all is said and done… we are still WE, we are still TOGETHER, we are still a TEAM, and we are still PARTNERS. I know he will do ANYTHNG to make me happy, and I know I would do ANYTHING to make him happy and the most important thing is, I know even if we fight, we are in this FOREVER. I am so happy to sit here alone tonight, enjoying MY TIME. I thought this Thanksgiving was going to be such a wreck, but in the end, I know I have family that loves me and understands, I know that there will be MANY more years to do “my year, his year” but right now, we are doing “OUR” year. We were together on turkey day, but for the weekend, I am happy to spend it without him, and he is happy to spend it without me… absence makes the heart grown founder…… right??
I am THANKFUL, that I have a Husband that loves me, I am THANKFUL that I have THE MOST AMAZING FAMILY, I am THANKFUL I have a house to be alone in, I am THANKFUL that I am not alone in that house and that I have my kids, Brody and Tink. Maybe someday we can add to our family and I can be THANKFUL for so much more, but for right now, I LOVE that we can do what WE want to do without having anything to tie us down. I am THANKFUL that we are able to TRAVEL right now, I am THANKFUL that we have the money to travel and do the things WE want to do, I am THANKFUL that WE work HARD for that money and I am VERY THANKFUL that WE are SMART with our money and can manage and do the things we want to do!

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