this has been the fastest month of my life! I thought time was moving fast before, I had no idea! We are still home on maternity leave and I am enjoying every minute of it! Some days we have a pretty good routine and others not so much! Berkley is a great sleeper, most nights, which makes it so nice for me because I have energy in the day to do things! Those first 2 weeks were a little rough. Trying to adjust, take care of Berkley, and heal from my surgery. There was 1 night where Berkley would not stop crying! I started crying with her and couldn't stop! Chris got home and after a couple hours of both of us crying non stop, he finally told me to go to bed and he would take care of Berkley. Thank goodness for a good daddy/husband. I wasn't sure what to do. He ended up staying up with her till about 3 in the morning! I was so thankful and happy to be able to sleep so I could function the next day.
We are now 6 weeks into this whole parent thing and I think we are getting the hang of it. I am starting to feel a little more comfortable about taking her out and we even have our first camping trip planned for this weekend! hopefully all will go well. We are also in the process of switching from breast feeding to bottle... so far it is going good besides a little constipation. some days are harder than others and some days I feel more guilty than others. Breast feeding is soooo much better for baby than formula but it is so hard on me! I HATE IT! I can't wear normal clothes, I can't wear a normal bra, I can't leave the house without planning the next time she will need to eat. I feel so tide down, not to mention the pain of breast feeding! anyway, it works for some and not others, i'm trying not to feel too guilty because she is doing really good with formula.
Every day I think I fall more in love with her sweet little face! she is starting to smile and coo a lot! I can't wait for more fun things but at the same time I want to cry when I look back at how much she has already grown!
2 days old...
1 month old....
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
The Birth Story
On July 10 I had my last Dr. visit, still not making much progress and being 40 weeks, my Dr. stripped my membranes and scheduled the induction. Our little miss would be here on July 15. They had us go into the hospital the night before. They were going to start some medication in hopes I would go into labor on my own and then start the Pitocin in the morning. On Sunday July 14 my mom and sisters came up. My mom made us dinner and we prepared to go to the hospital. As the time grew closer my anxiety started to get out of control.... I started to freak out as we got closer to leaving. The saying "ignorance is bliss"kept repeating itself in my head. if your water breaks or your contractions are close, you just go with it! You don't have time to analyze and think about EVERYTHING that could or could not happen. As we walked out the door Chris hugged me so tight and I broke! He told me how much he loved me and how exciting this was. He said not to worry and everything would be okay. It helped calm me down a little bit. As we drove to the hospital tears streaming down my face I couldn't help but think, I should be happy and excited and instead I was terrified. I tried not to think about the labor process and just the excitement and finally getting to meet this little lady! We arrived at the hospital at 8pm checked in and rather than starting the other medication, they said my contractions were close enough they were just going to start the Pitocin. One small thing no one mentioned was that when you have pitocin the contractions are 10 times worse/stronger than without. So at 9pm I started really feeling the contractions... not too bad they were painful but I was dealing with them.... by about 10 I thought I was dying! the contractions were about 3-5 minutes apart. Chris was so supportive and was trying everything to help but it was so hard to focus on anything but the pain.... they kept asking if I wanted the epidural and I was only at a 3 and was trying to stick it out as long as I could because I had heard its bad for the baby too get it too soon. the pain started getting worse and I started throwing up because it hurt so bad.. around midnight and at 5cm I broke and got the epidural.... that was THE BEST thing ever! we were able to get some sleep and relax a little! it was hard for me to sleep because they would come in and check me about every 40 min... at about 1 am... they had me lay on my side... then about 2 started giving me oxygen... then at 3 they stopped the Pitocin and finally told us... Berkley's heart rate had been dropping and nothing they were doing was changing it.... The nurse left and said she was going to call my Dr. At about 330-345 my Dr. arrived and said we were going to be doing C-section. I started to cry and the scared feeling overwhelmed 4AM they threw scrubs to Chris as they wheeled me to the O.R. The Anesthesiologist was amazing and as I was hyperventilating he injected every drug possible to get me to calm down, and not feel any pain. Chris sat by my head and watched as they cut me open and went elbow deep to grab our little girl. I heard the Dr. say here she is, and then it went dead silent, I asked why isn't she crying? And then at 4:26 I heard my Dr. count to 3 and then the most amazing sound in the whole world! She screamed! She was a little purple/blue but she was here and she was crying! Turns out she had the umbilical cord wrapped about her neck not once, not twice but 3 THREE times! which is why my dr. counted to 3, as she unwrapped the cord. from this point everything became a bit blurry. I was so doped up and exhausted I'm not sure what happened. So on to the pictures!
Tuesday, July 30, 2013
Berkley Grace Horne
Born July 15, 2013 @4:26am
Weight 7lbs 4 oz and 19 inches
She is perfect in everyway! Birth story to come!
Born July 15, 2013 @4:26am
Weight 7lbs 4 oz and 19 inches
She is perfect in everyway! Birth story to come!
Sunday, July 7, 2013
39 weeks
39 Weeks..... I'm sitting here in shock! I can't believe our little girl could be here any day. I'm looking at her empty swing and bassinet and dreaming of what she will look like in them. I'm wondering if she will look more like me or her daddy. I'm wondering what life is going to be like with a baby! are we still going to be able to sit here on the couch watching what we wanna watch? probably for a little while. I'm enjoying every single kick and turn and jump I'm feeling. I'm soaking in every last pregnant thing I can! I have to share her pretty soon and although most days I am ready for her to be here, there are some days where I don't wanna share her, I don't want her to have to live in this scary world, I want her to stay safe and warm in my belly. there are so many things running through my mind... I think we are ready, but how do you really know? are you ever READY? I have been doing laundry like a crazy person, but all her clothes are clean, blankets are washed and put away. I have our hospital bag packed. Car seat is installed. I think we are READY! I have been running up and down the stairs in hopes she will come!
It has been pretty stormy the last few days, and I've heard storms bring babies, and I'm still waiting to feel something, ANYTHING. I have only had a few Braxton hicks. I have been feeling fine, HUGE, but fine. Some nights I sleep SO GOOD, other nights I barely get any sleep! I am pretty uncomfortable, but I'm sure it would be worse.
It has been pretty stormy the last few days, and I've heard storms bring babies, and I'm still waiting to feel something, ANYTHING. I have only had a few Braxton hicks. I have been feeling fine, HUGE, but fine. Some nights I sleep SO GOOD, other nights I barely get any sleep! I am pretty uncomfortable, but I'm sure it would be worse.
in other non baby news, we have started to finish our back yard! We have our fence up, we got cement done on Friday, and all I have to say is THANK GOODNESS for good neighbors! Our neighbor Mitch has done pretty much everything in our back yard! I love living next to people that are so friendly and so helpful and so much fun to hang out with! They also SPOIL this little lady! I can't even count how many outfits and gifts they have given us in the last 9 months!
Sunday, June 23, 2013
2 month difference
I can't believe I'm posting these because I feel like they are horrible but I want to remember. My face in the last one is so swollen! I can't believe I thought I was big in April, I had no idea what was coming!
I don't even remember what happened in May. Chris' sister Melissa got married, we were both in the line. It was a very pretty ceremony and we are so happy for her.
the first weekend in June we had my family baby shower. We decided that her name would be Berkley Grace Horne. My sister and I had talked about this name well before we even knew she was a girl and I just couldn't get over it. Luckily Chris liked it too! For my shower we were very spoiled with lots of cute clothes and great company. I'm so happy so many people were able to come! My cousin makes the wood block letters and I asked her to make them for me. I pretty much started crying when I seen the final product! They match her nursery perfect and I just love the way they look. Speaking of crying the pregnancy fairy came again in May and brought a much need pedicure for me on mothers day. Then for the shower my talented sisters A.K.A. "the pregnancy fairy" printed up all the cute little sayings we had received and displayed them with all the gifts.
The last one, I couldn't even get through reading it, I'm such a baby, but the thoughts and gifts meant so much to me. For the last pregnancy fairy gift, we were given a scrapbook, to document Berkley's first few years. Again que tears here! `
"Today as you celebrate the date is growing near, only 1 month remains until your baby girl is here! This month the fairy brings a gift for her AND you, take a look and you will see exactly what to do. Write down all your memories and all that you will see, List all the talents, her strengths and her beauty. There will be some times of laughter and even a few tears, this book will keep the memories of her for years and years. And when the timings right, you will want to know for sure, Wrap this book up so pretty and pass it on to her"
the first weekend in June we had my family baby shower. We decided that her name would be Berkley Grace Horne. My sister and I had talked about this name well before we even knew she was a girl and I just couldn't get over it. Luckily Chris liked it too! For my shower we were very spoiled with lots of cute clothes and great company. I'm so happy so many people were able to come! My cousin makes the wood block letters and I asked her to make them for me. I pretty much started crying when I seen the final product! They match her nursery perfect and I just love the way they look. Speaking of crying the pregnancy fairy came again in May and brought a much need pedicure for me on mothers day. Then for the shower my talented sisters A.K.A. "the pregnancy fairy" printed up all the cute little sayings we had received and displayed them with all the gifts.
The last one, I couldn't even get through reading it, I'm such a baby, but the thoughts and gifts meant so much to me. For the last pregnancy fairy gift, we were given a scrapbook, to document Berkley's first few years. Again que tears here! `
"Today as you celebrate the date is growing near, only 1 month remains until your baby girl is here! This month the fairy brings a gift for her AND you, take a look and you will see exactly what to do. Write down all your memories and all that you will see, List all the talents, her strengths and her beauty. There will be some times of laughter and even a few tears, this book will keep the memories of her for years and years. And when the timings right, you will want to know for sure, Wrap this book up so pretty and pass it on to her"
How did this happen! I am 35 weeks and only have 35 days to go! It seems like I was stuck in the 20's for so long and now all the sudden she is almost here!
How far along? 35 weeks
Baby's size? The size of a coconut! 17-18inchs and
weighing 4-5 lbs!
Total weight gain: really don’t wanna talk
about it
Maternity clothes? Yes and they are getting
old! I wear the same thing, over and over and over!
Sleep: sleep is still good, wake up a couple
times but can usually fall right back asleep
Best moment(s) this past week: we had my family baby shower, Officially
decided on her name, and had a fun date night. Went to dinner and a movieJ
Miss Anything? Energy! I’m so tired and
Movement: she is a mover! I love it!
Starting to get crowded I’m sure, I feel her more on my side and in my
Anything making you queasy or sick: nothing really, raw
hamburger definitely has a bad smell!
Cravings: still
loving the sweets!
Labor Signs: Nope!
Gender: GIRL
Symptoms: Just tired.
Belly Button in or out? flat
Wedding rings on or off? on
Happy or Moody most of the time: happy mostly but definitely have mood swings!
Happy or Moody most of the time: happy mostly but definitely have mood swings!
Looking forward to: buying cute clothes for me!
Monday, June 10, 2013
30 Weeks
How far along? 31 weeks
Baby's size? Baby B is the size of a Cucumber, 15-16 inches and weighing 2.5-3.8 lbs
Total weight gain: I don't really wanna talk about it
Maternity clothes? yes, although I can stretch some regular shirts on
Sleep: sleep is good, get up once or twice
Best moment(s) this past week: we went to our first baby class, wasn't really the best moment but something we did together.
Miss Anything? its starting to warm up and I'm missing shorts and tank tops.
Movement: YES! she is quite the mover! I love it!
Anything making you queasy or sick: still love food and everything sweet!
Cravings: candy! ice cream! anything sweet!
Labor Signs: Nope!
Gender: Girl
Symptoms: my feet are starting to swell, my ankles are pretty hard to see
Belly Button in or out? way flat! its going to pop!
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy most of the time but a few tears have been shed for sure!
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy most of the time but a few tears have been shed for sure!
Looking forward to: Baby showers, summer, memorial weekend, finishing the nursery.
April recap
I don't know how the time is moving so fast but if it could just slow down a little bit I could possibly keep this blog updated! In April we focused a lot on getting the nursery ready. We also got another visit from the pregnancy fairy and Chris celebrated his 26 birthday. Man he is young! As the months go by I am feeling bigger and bigger and older and older! She isn't even here yet and I feel like I have aged a ton! My glucose levels came back elevated so I had to go back to the dr. and take a 3 hour fasting test, which was not fun! My mom came with me and sat all 4 hrs with me which was a huge help. The drink is probably the worst thing I have ever had to guzzle! and when I say guzzle, they literally make you drink it within 5 minutes! it's horrible! The test did come back normal so I don't have gestational diabetes which is a huge blessing! I like food and sugar way too much to have to deal with that!
I painted a shelf for the nursery that I vision her name sitting on, once we get that picked out:)
the pregnancy fairy brought something just for Dad this month, it's probably hard to read, but basically Daddy hopes she is a Broncos fan.
I painted a shelf for the nursery that I vision her name sitting on, once we get that picked out:)
the pregnancy fairy brought something just for Dad this month, it's probably hard to read, but basically Daddy hopes she is a Broncos fan.
we got the crib put together and most of the nursery set up. My sisters and mom are going to come up and help with the final touches. it is going to be so cute once everything is done! I can't wait!
Thursday, April 25, 2013
day of fun!
Chris has started to take Wednesday off rather than Fridays and I love it! This last Wednesday he had to get fitted for a tux for his little sister's wedding and then we had my Dr. apt in the afternoon. The lovely apt where they test my glucose levels. My work is really flexible so I was able to go with Chris to get fitted and then on our way home we decided to stop at Shopko and look for a glider chair. His sister gave us one but it needed to be painted and reupholstered and after seeing that painting was going to be much harder than I thought we decided we might just buy one. Shopko was having a really good sale and we ended up getting so many things! I found an end table for 1/2 price that i have been looking for her nursery for ever! when we decide on a black crib I had no idea how hard it would be to find black furniture to match it! but I finally found a table. then we found a glider chair for super cheap so we bought that, and as we were leaving we walked past a stroller sale and they had the travel system jogging stroller for under $200! ! I was in heaven! so we scored a table, glider chair, and travel system "stroller and car seat" all in 1 day at 1 place! then we decided we would keep shopping and try and find a black dresser. We have been looking around since the crib arrived and all the dressers that are the size we like are well over 300! i just don't want to pay that much for a dresser! so we went to Furniture Row across the street from Ikea. I thought because they are in draper they would be way over priced on everything but we found some really good deals! we even found a black dresser for under 300! After all our shopping we were starving so we grabbed dinner and headed home. We watched Lost and just relaxed! I LOVE our off days when we don't have to do yard work, house work, or anything like that and can just be fun! we spent alot that day but it was on things we needed. I am feeling alot more prepared for this little lady to be here!
Have I mentioned how hard this little lady is going to be on our baby Brody? His world is going to be rocked...I just hope he will be good around her.
Have I mentioned how hard this little lady is going to be on our baby Brody? His world is going to be rocked...I just hope he will be good around her.
What a difference!
I haven't been doing alot of pregnancy post, and I'm sure one day I'm going to regret it. Now that the little lady is growing so much every week I'm going to try and take pictures and do an update each week.
so starting with week 18 compared to week 28... look at that bump grow!
so starting with week 18 compared to week 28... look at that bump grow!
How far along? 18 weeks
Baby's size? Sweet Potato
Total weight gain: up 13lbs
Maternity clothes? I’m still wearing normal
clothes, but they are getting TIGHT fast!
Sleep: LOVE to sleep!
Best moment(s) this past week: I think we did our gender ultra sound and
found out she was a girlJ
Miss Anything? Energy
Movement: I think this week I felt her for the first FOR
SURE time… pretty sure daddy felt her too
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope, so lucky! I’ve felt great the whole time
Cravings: for the first while all I craved was take
out/fast food, now I just want food in general…
Labor Signs: Nope!
Gender: GIRL
Symptoms: heart burn… tired
Belly Button in or out? in
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Mostly happy
Happy or Moody most of the time: Mostly happy
Looking forward to: our 22 week ultrasound she was a punk
How far along? 28 weeks
Baby's size? Eggplant
Total weight gain: up about 20 lbsL
Maternity clothes? Yes, I swear I wear the same
clothes every time I actually get dressed.
Sleep: LOVE to sleep!
Best moment(s) this past week: finding furniture and
getting everything set up
Miss Anything? Energy
Movement: yes! I love feeling her move, I’m
starting to be able to feel feet or hands? Its pretty amazing
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope, so lucky! I’ve felt great the whole time
Cravings: Salad always sounds good. I want healthy
Labor Signs: Nope!
Gender: GIRL
Symptoms: does laziness count as a symptom?
Belly Button in or out? in
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Mostly happy
Happy or Moody most of the time: Mostly happy
Looking forward to: finishing the nursery and decorating!
Friday, April 12, 2013
In March we had some unexpected events. My sister's dog Roscoe started having seizures. He was 8 almost 9 and had been with us since he was a puppy. He was Jill and Dustin's baby till Jax came, and then he was the best gaurd dog and friend to that little boy. He had the best personality and was just the best dog. He was a lab mix and had the cutest pink nose! Not many labs have the pink nose and that made him extra special. After he had 1 seizure he started having more and went down hill really fast. suddenly he wasn't that extra special dog we all knew and loved. He started having trouble getting up and down the stairs, had accidents in the house, which he NEVER did, and also would eat Jaxson's food as if he didn't know any better, and he did. It was a really hard week as Roscoe became worse daily. On Thursday March 21, heavan got another angle dog. He was all our dog and he is greatly missed! We will never forget him and he is irreplaceable.
Easter also happen in March this year. With each Holiday that comes, I just can't wait for this little baby to get here! Holidays are going to mean so much more and be way more fun with a kid! But untill she gets here, I was able to help dye eggs with Jax and plant jelly beans!
This was the first year in I don't know how long that we all didn't get together and go camping for Easter, this is also the first year that the weather was actually pretty warm on Easter.
and with another month, came another surprise!
The snow is slowly melting and the sun is shining bright, your baby girl is growing in weight and even height.
The pictures show how pretty your little girl will be, will she look like mom or dad, in 4 months you'll see.
A whirl wind of a month bringing so many fun things, lets see what the Irish and the Easter Bunny brings!
For mom and dad the bunny brings a baskey and a treat, The Irish brings a shamrock for your little girl so sweet!
Valentines Day
On Valentine's day we didn't do anything too special. Chris had the RV show so he was working really late hours. We did go out to a Jazz game as our valentines date and that was really fun. this month we reached the 1/2 mark in our pregnancy and I also started feeling her move! One night we were sitting watching TV and she was kicking like crazy! Chris hadn't been able to feel her but she was really kicking hard, so I had him put his hand on the growing belly and she kicked so hard! The look on his face was the best ever! it brought tears to my eyes! a huge grin spread across his face! it was so cool!
we did get another surprise this month too from the pregnancy fairy.
This month is love and all things so sweet, This is the month daddy felt her little feet.
The excitement is growing and so is she, Can you picture how pretty she'll be?!
You are half way there; she'll be here in the summer time, This time next year she'll be your cute little Valentine!
These 3 items will give you a good start, to dress the little girl who will soon steal your heart.
more catch up and the pregnancy fairy
When I found out I was pregnant, there were so many emotions
that came and so many things that happened. Things were said and not handled in
the best way, but it’s over and done with and no airing dirty laundry on here.
On a particular day that I was having an emotional break down, I got a “knock
knock” text. Completely confused “thanks pregnant brain” the next text asked me
to open the door. When I opened the door
there was a cute little bouquet of M&M’s and a cute little saying,
1+1 will soon equal 2, right now
the happiness is for you.
The gossip will stop and the
tension will fade, the attention will be on the baby you made.
Soon there will be a new little
Horne, In 2013 your miracle will be born.
So don’t worry about all the
immature drama, just worry about your family…. Soon you will be a baby mama.
The next little surprise came the next month
It began in October when you took
that test, you were both so excited that feeling’s the best.
Surprise number 2 came in
November, A distraction from drama… I’m sure you remember?
December is stress along with joy
and glee, The Pregnancy Fairy is back with surprise number three!
A relaxing night in is what she
brings to your home, enjoy the couple time now, soon you won’t be alone.
As parents to be the anticipation
is never ending, the Fairy will bring fun while the arrival is pending!
You won’t know what she’ll bring
or when she will appear, but each month will be special until your baby is
With this surprise we got my favorite treats and a bunch of
free Redbox rentals! Again this appeared on a day that I was having a hard
time! This preggo fairy has THE BEST TIMING!
January, “I’m so far behind, I know I know”
Welcome to the New Year it will
surely be #1, in this bag you will find something full of FUN!
You are both JAZZ fans and your
baby will be too, this outfit gets your started with what your about to do!
You may not need the bows; alone
the outfit is just great, you’re getting close to knowing only a little bit to
Enjoy the day together and “build”
your baby’s 1st toy, Perhaps what you create can announce… girl or
In this surprise we found a build a bear gift card, along
with the outfit and bows! So cute! This is seriously the best thing ever!
February we enjoyed going
to several Jazz games, thanks to Chris’ work. Every now and then he gets free
tickets and sometimes they are in the suite and sometimes they are just lower
bowl. When they are the suite; its extra nice because that means NO COOKING
After our gender reveal ultra sound, 2 weeks later we did
the 20 week ultra sound to check everything! We were actually about 22 weeks
when we had the ultra sound so it was fun
to see how big she had got in 2 weeks. Everything looked great, but she
wasn’t cooperating. She was laying facing my back with her legs crossed, so not
only was it really hard to get a good profile picture, it was also impossible
to DOUBLE check that she was still a girl. She was also quite funny when we went
to get a good profile picture her hands/arms were in front of her face. She
didn’t want to smile for the camera. I sure hope its not a taste of how
difficult this little lady is going to be once she gets hereJ either way, she is
already loved so much and will only be loved more if that is possible once she
Also when I told my wonderful neighbor that we were having a
girl, she came over and spoiled us with PJ’s clothes and really cute headbands!
Seriously we have the best neighbors ever!
Since moving in we have made so many new friends and its so much fun to
hang out with people within walking distance!
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